Updated Thursday July 14, 2016 byJoey Lee.
NPAA By-laws and Constitution
The name of this association shall be the North Parkland Athletic Association (herein sometimes referred to as N.P.A.A).
To provide coaching to ensure that young athletes will have an enjoyable and safe sporting experience while learning the proper sports skills necessary to compete for Junior High, Junior Varsity and Varsity sports teams.
The organization is organized exclusively for charitable, religious, educational, and/or scientific purposes under section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code. (3/30/04)
3.1 - Membership
Any player who plays for a N.P.A.A. sponsored team is considered active member. If a player quits that team their membership will be terminated. Parents or guardians of these players are also considered active members while their child is an active member.
Any coach or volunteer will also be considered an active member. All head coaches will submit the list of assistant coaches to the secretary so they will be recognized as members. The president of the association will recognize who qualifies as a volunteer for this type of membership.
Anyone else who pays the yearly membership dues can be an active member. $25.00 as of 2008.
3.2 - Effectiveness for Membership
Memberships will be one year long. We will use the start of each sport as a registration time. For example, if a player/coach is involved with a N.P.A.A baseball team this year, they will be considered an active member until the start of baseball next year. At which time, if they play/coach baseball in the association next year they will continue their membership or if they choose not to continue with baseball, their membership will be terminated. Non-players who pay their dues to be a member will be considered active for one full year from the time the dues are paid.
The amount of the registration fees and membership fees will be reviewed annually by the board.
5.1 - Election of Officers
The president will select a nominating committee, which shall not include any current office holders, at the last membership meeting of the calendar year. This committee will review the status of all offices and provide the membership with a slate for any open positions at the January meeting. Anyone wishing to be considered for an office should contact a member of the nominating committee during this time, no one will be denied entry onto the slate. The committee can also solicit the services of an individual for a particular office for the betterment of the association. Anyone not on the slate will not be considered for office. During the January meeting, the slate will be presented and voting will take place by the membership in attendance. The majority wins all elections.
5.2 - Officer duties
The President shall preside at all board and membership meetings. He/She shall have the right to appoint standing committees and all temporary committees. He/She shall have the right to execute all decisions of the membership. He/She shall have no right to act on an important matter of his/her own accord unless authorized by the board. He/She shall be an ex-officio member on every committee. He/She shall sign with the treasurer all legal papers and official documents in the name of the association. The president shall have no right while presiding to make any motion or to confirm any motion before the decision of the members unless he/she relinquishes the chair to the vice-president for the purpose of any motion. The President will not have voting privileges except during elections and to break ties as indicated by this document. It is recommended that the president have at least 10 years experience as a member in the association.
The Vice-President shall perform all duties of the president in the absence of the president and shall be entitled to all his/her prerogatives. It is recommended that the vice president have at least 10 years experience as a member in the association. The vice president, unless acting as the president, will be considered a member of the board when it comes to voting.
The Secretary shall keep a correct record of all proceedings at all meetings of this association and keep a correct and full roll of all members' names and addresses. He/She shall attend to all correspondence of the association, including correspondence to the membership dealing with meetings, notices, etc. and any and all other correspondence. He/She shall turn over to his/her successor in office all property of the Association in his/her custody. It is recommended that the secretary have at least 5 years experience as a member in the association. The secretary will be considered a member of the board when it comes to voting.
The Treasurer shall receive and collect all moneys, dues and funds due to the association, give receipts thereof and deposit all moneys received in an interest-paying bank. He/She shall keep a careful and correct record of all moneys received, deposited and expended. He/She shall countersign all drafts or warrants drawn on the Treasury properly signed by the president. He/She shall report the financial condition of the association at each regular meeting of the membership. His/Her accounts and records shall be audited annually by an auditing committee consisting of three people appointed by the president. It is recommended that the treasurer have at least 5 years experience as a member in the association. The treasurer will be considered a member of the board when it comes to voting.
The Board members shall be responsible for voting on all major issues dealing with the association. It is recommended that all board members have at least 5 years experience as a member in the association. The board must consist of 8 people. The board will be made up of commissioners, general board members, and possibly temporary board members. If the need for additional commissioners arises (i.e., new sport sponsored), a general board member will be added as well. If a commissioner spot becomes obsolete (i.e., sport dropped) that spot will be converted to a general board spot.
Commissioners At the end of each year, the board will select commissioners for the following areas: Baseball, Softball, Basketball (Girls & Boys), Football, Cheerleading, Fundraising, Communication and Website. These commissioners will be responsible for their selected area and are automatically board members. When the board members review the commissioners, the current commissioner shall remove himself/herself from voting when the board reviews their position. Commissioners should be people who have significant N.P.A.A. experience in the area they are involved with.
General Board There will be Four general board members who will be voted on by the membership. These members will have the same voting privileges as the commissioners but are not directly responsible for a particular area.
Temporary Board Members If a commissioner is a commissioner of two areas, a “temporary” general board member will be elected by the membership to ensure that we will have a 8 member board for that year. “Temporary” board members can only be established at the election meeting. If an office holder becomes a commissioner mid-year we will operate with a smaller board for the remainder of the year.
5.3 - Terms of Officers
President & Vice President - 3 year term (2014 was last election year)
Secretary - 1 year term
Treasurer - 3 year term (2016 was last election year)
Commissioners (8) - reviewed annually
General Board Members (2) - 2 year terms (elections staggered), (2) - 1 year terms
Temporary Board Members(as needed) - 1 year term
5.4 - Expulsion of an officer
A officer can be relieved of his/her duties in the middle of a term only by an unanimous vote of the rest of the board.
5.5 - Continuation of services
If for some reason an officer cannot fulfill the length of his/her term. The board will appoint a replacement for Vice President, Treasurer, Secretary, or Commissioner. The President would be replaced by the Vice President and General board members will not be replaced until the next election meeting.
6.1- Approval
Amendments to this Constitution and By-Laws must be approved by majority votes, with each board member allowed one vote. The President will decide any tie votes.
A) Amendments to this Constitution must be read and approved at two successive board meetings.
B) Amendments to the By-Laws may be approved at a single board meeting.
6.2 - Submission of Amendments
Amendments to the Constitution and/or By-Laws to be considered by the board must be initiated by an officer or initiated by majority vote at a general membership meeting.
7.1 - Annual Meeting
An annual election meeting shall be held no later than February 1st for the purpose of election of officers and re-organization.
7.2 - Other Meetings
All other meetings shall be called by the president as they are required. There must be at least 3 general membership meetings a year.
7.3 - Quorum
A majority of the board members must be present for the transaction of normal business of the N.P.A.A.
7.4 - Meeting Attendance
All officers are required to attend 75% of all meetings for a year. Any offending officer can be relieved of his/her duties if the president sees fit.
8.1 - Members
Each active adult member shall be entitled to one (1) vote. Name of the voting member must be declared at roll call.
8.2 - Abstaining
At voting role call, a member may either vote or abstain from voting. Abstaining is defined as giving up your voting privilege.
8.3 - Players
No member under the age of 18 shall be a voting member.
8.4 - Tie Vote
The president shall cast the deciding vote in case of a tie. With the exception of the presidential election where another vote would have to be taken.
9.1 - Conflict of Interest
No part of the net earnings of the organization shall inure to the benefit of, or be distributable to, its members, trustees, officers or other private persons, except that the organization shall be authorized and empowered to pay reasonable compensation for services rendered and to make payments and distributions in furtherance of the purposes set forth in the purpose clause hereof. No substantial part of the activities of the organization shall be the carrying on of propaganda, or otherwise attempting to influence legislation, and the organization shall not participate in, or intervene in (including the publishing or distribution of statements) any political campaign on behalf of any candidate for public office. Notwithstanding any other provision of this document, the organization shall not carry on any other activities not permitted to be carried on (a) by an organization exempt from federal income tax under section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code, or corresponding section of any future federal tax code, or (b) by an organization, contributions to which are deductible under section 170(c)(2) of the Internal Revenue Code, or corresponding section of any future federal tax code. (3/30/04)
9.2 - Dissolution
Upon the dissolution of the organization, assets shall be distributed for one or more exempt purposes within the meaning of section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code, or corresponding section of any future federal tax code, or shall be distributed to the federal government, or to a state or local government, for a public purpose. (3/30/04)
1. All athletes are required to pay a registration fee. The president reserves the right to wave registration fees because of financial inability. (4/13/97) There will be a limit placed on the registration fees for families with multiple participants. (Current fees $125 football/ $100 cheerleading, $80 for basketball, $150 for baseball)
2. The president is responsible for the approval of all purchased equipment. All purchased equipment will come from a supplier approved by the board. Purchases less than $500 can be approved by the president alone. Anything higher than $500 must be board approved. (12/13/98)
3. All major decisions shall be presented to the board for a final vote. Majority rules, president only breaks ties.
4. Priority of funds will be determined and voted on by the board.
5. All money received (fundraising, gifts, contributions, etc.) will go into a general fund which is used to support all N.P.A.A. sports.
6. Priority will be given to older teams when purchasing new equipment.
7. Officers, board members or coaches shall not receive personal gain from any sales or fundraising events.
8. N.P.A.A. does not support the giving of gifts to coaches, board members, officers from individual players or teams.
9. N.P.A.A. does not recognize individual achievements such as MVP, etc. T-shirts or trophies will be given for Division Championships and jackets will be awarded for League Championships (cannot receive both). If funds dip below an acceptable level, NPAA can have separate fundraisers and funds for purchasing the jackets. (11/9/98) All championship jacket orders need to be board approved. (8/19/02)
10. Cheerleading squads associated with championship teams will also receive jackets, T-shirts, or trophies. (Jackets will reflect all competitions that they place.)
11. 4 year football award jackets will be given to players who have played 5 years for N.P.A.A. football and are active in their last year of eligibility. The player must also have played at least one season for the 115 lb. team. This award is sponsored by Mr. Butch Martin, these guidelines were established by him.
12. Special Awards such as the Butch Martin Tough Guy, Barbara Stoudt, Dick Schadler, Truck Lane, Jeff Schneck, Nick Rupelli, Nancy Rupelli and Bill Beck Awards will be selected by the coaches and approved by the president.
13. Coaches, Volunteers, Board Members, etc. who have been with N.P.A.A. for 8 years or more will receive a merit award upon leaving the association.
14. If a team does not have enough players at a given level the association may move athletes to the next level to complete a team.
15. N.P.A.A. does not provide individual medical insurance unless the league we compete in requires it. N.P.A.A. carries liability insurance on all teams which is required for the facilities that are used.
16. 4 year cheerleading award jackets will be given to cheerleaders who have cheered 4 years or more for N.P.A.A. The cheerleader must be active in their last year of eligibility, which can be at the Freshman level.
17. Each participant of a sport will receive a certificate recognizing their participation. (4/10/96)
18. Flag football players and cheerleaders must be 6 years old as of 9/1 of the current year. Teeny-weenie cheerleaders may be of ages 4 or 5 but must have a brother, sister, father, or mother playing or coaching in the program. (1/12/97)
19. All participants must live with the Parkland School District. Anyone interested in playing at NPAA that does not live in the school district must go before the board for approval. (8/8/99)